BERKELEY HEIGHTS, NJ - The Berkeley Heights Diversity Council invites the community to a Listening Session focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Berkeley Heights Public Schools on Monday, November 29 at 7:30pm on Zoom.
Many community members have asked for an increased dialogue about diversity, equity and inclusion issues in the school district so the District Superintendent, Dr. Melissa Varley, is eager to continue that dialogue, talk about what steps have been taken and what is planned.
The Listening Session will be held as a virtual gathering on Zoom on Monday, November 29 at 7:30pm. Please join us on zoom: meeting ID: 813 3712 0058, passcode: 938256
Together with members of the community, please join us to hear and share views of how to continue to make Berkeley Heights more inclusive and welcoming to all.
A “Listening Session” is meant as a community brainstorming session, a time to raise topics and to share ideas to help ensure that Berkeley Heights becomes increasingly inclusive and welcoming to all. It will also be a great opportunity for Dr. Varley and Mr. Stephen Hopkins (Director of Special Projects) to share updates on the work in progress and listen to residents.
The Berkeley Heights Diversity Council continues to host opportunities for residents to share views, ask questions, listen to each other and be heard by important stakeholders in Berkeley Heights including the Berkeley Heights Police Department, and our schools.
The Berkeley Heights Diversity Council was founded to honor and embrace the diverse cultures and perspectives within Berkeley Heights. Our goal is to spread awareness and foster inclusion.
The BHDC is open and welcoming to all who reside in Berkeley Heights wishing to celebrate the diversity of our great town together and can be reached at BHdiversity@gmail.com
Originally published in TAPinto Berkeley Heights on November 23, 2021