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BHDC Statement on Recent Events & Mayor's "Diversity Task Force"

Updated: Mar 21, 2021

The Berkeley Heights Diversity Council is an independent and non-partisan organization.

Events across our country in the last week bring to the surface the racism and bias that continue to plague our nation.  The senseless murder of George Floyd by an officer of the law while others watched is tragic and terrifying. But sadly, this is not something new. The events over the last couple of weeks during these challenging times have touched a nerve and inflamed emotions.

The Berkeley Heights Diversity Council wishes to extend our sympathy to the Floyd family and to the families who have been victims of racism and bias over the years.  These events are personal to many as racism and bias are real and exist not just across the country but in our community too.   

Berkeley Heights strives to be a welcoming community based in kindness and acceptance where we join together to support each other. At this time we encourage our community to stand together. The BHDC is glad to have ongoing and open dialogue with the Berkeley Heights Police Department and will continue to foster that relationship. 

At this time, BHDC has not been contacted by the Mayor’s Office to participate in the newly formed Diversity Task Force. The BHDC always strives to ensure that all of the diverse voices in our community are heard. We welcome the opportunity to have open dialogue with the Mayor’s Office to understand the scope and objectives of the newly formed Diversity Task Force. 

The BHDC believes that increasing education and dialogue is critical as we work towards addressing the bias which is the inherent issue in the countless incidents, and continues to persist in our nation. We are working towards finding additional forums to continue to open up and air these difficult issues in our community and in our schools so residents of all ages can find safe spaces to learn, to grow, to speak out and to listen.  We encourage the entire community to be part of these conversations. 

Please let us know if you want to be an active part of this process and the solution - we welcome you.  The BHDC can be reached at

The Berkeley Heights Diversity Council was founded to honor and embrace the diverse cultures and perspectives within Berkeley Heights. Our goal is to spread awareness and inclusion.

The BHDC is open and welcoming to all who reside in Berkeley Heights wishing to celebrate the diversity of our great town together and can be reached at

Berkeley Heights Diversity Council Leadership Team: Toiya Facey, Damian Facey, Michelle Greco, Ayana Joseph, Jimmy Joseph, and Pam Yoss

Originally published in TAPinto Berkeley Heights on May 31, 2020:

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