The Berkeley Heights Diversity Council (BHDC) is excited to launch our new website - This new site serves as a way for our community to get to know the long-standing Diversity Council, see all the ways that the BHDC is working to help make Berkeley Heights the most open and welcoming community in New Jersey, and sign up to join us!
The Berkeley Heights Diversity Council was established in 2014 by a small group of concerned residents eager to bring inclusiveness, increased dialog and change where needed to their town. The BHDC has, from the beginning, created opportunities for residents to learn about, share, and experience cultures, views, beliefs and experience. The BHDC is led by an Executive Board of diverse, passionate & energetic volunteers.
“We started the BHDC to honor and embrace all the diverse cultures and perspectives in our town”, said Toiya Facey, one of the BHDC founding members. “We hope to help make Berkeley Heights the most open and welcoming community in New Jersey”.
The website also serves to highlight the many active and engaging partnerships the BHDC has with key groups in Berkeley Heights. “Opening up dialogue is an important part of bringing about inclusivity,” said Ayana Joseph, another BHDC founding member. She continued, “We want everyone to have safe spaces to air issues, make suggestions and work collectively towards creating welcomeness together”.
Since the March for Black Lives in June, the BHDC has been hosting a series of “Listening Sessions”. These well-attended open community sessions have allowed residents to speak out about their ideas, concerns and questions with members of the community, as well as with key representatives of the Berkeley Heights Police Department and the Berkeley Heights School District.
Please use our new website ( to sign up for the BHDC mailing list. And, take a look at our long-standing history of actively working to bring about change and inclusion. We are excited for what is to come, as we work together to bring about openness, interconnectedness and change. Please join us.
The Berkeley Heights Diversity Council was founded to honor and embrace the diverse cultures and perspectives within Berkeley Heights. Our goal is to spread awareness and inclusion.
The BHDC is open and welcoming to all who reside in Berkeley Heights wishing to celebrate the diversity of our great town together and can be reached at and on our website